Thursday, March 26, 2009

Musical Odyssey - The last three shows - March 14th, 15th and 22nd

** Please note that his Sunday the show will end a little early (about 2:15 PM EST) due to the baseball game **

The show begins at 1:00 PM EST and there might not be a featured artist.

If you are interested you can join the Musical Odyssey Facebook fan page by clicking here (or become a Musical Odyssey Facebook friend, the link is in the sidebar on the right).

Comments and requests can be sent to

Here are the latest playlists:

March 22, 2009 - I featured music from Stamatis Kokkotas March 15, 2009 - Featuring music by Kostas Tournas Saturday March 14, 2009 (extra show, subbing for Spring break) - Featuring Tonis Maroudas

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